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​5 Benefits of Matcha for your Skin

25th May 2022

​5 Benefits of Matcha for your Skin

Every few years, the beauty industry discovers hidden ingredients whose benefits are unknown to the world. One of such ingredients that were treated with the same wonder is Matcha! A healthy and unique herbal tea, Matcha tea is made from the Chinese Camellia sinensis tea plant. Matcha has several health benefits and when it comes to benefits for skin; they are numerous. Calming the skin redness and warding off free radicals, Matcha is a key ingredient in modern skincare. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and Matcha is a form of green tea.

Useful Benefits of Matcha for Skin

1- Rich in Antioxidants
Matcha is abundant in catechins. Catechins act as natural antioxidants. Antioxidants aid in stabilizing harmful free radicals that are compounds that can cause chronic disease and damage cells.
As per an estimate, the number of certain catechins in Matcha is up to 137 times greater than in other types of green tea. A study revealed that offering mice matcha supplements diminished damage caused due to free radicals and improved antioxidant activity. So, Matcha in your skincare routine can enhance your antioxidant intake.

2- Reduces Signs of Aging
Being rich in antioxidants gives Matcha an edge over other ingredients. Antioxidants are essential and help you fight free radicals. Free radicals are the main culprits for wrinkles and premature signs of aging.
The harsh sun’s UV rays can also cause skin damage and premature signs of aging. Matcha shields your skin from those harmful rays as well. Cell damage also causes skin aging, and Matcha helps you protect from cell damage and delays aging signs.

3- Fights Inflammation and Acne
Matcha keeps the skin’s complexion even and supple, but it also reduces inflammation in the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to having high antioxidant content. So, if you have red skin problems or your skin is irritated, Matcha can soothe it. Matcha also fights against acne. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and inflammation in the skin, thereby combating acne. Acne happens as a result of higher sebum production in the skin. Matcha helps prevent acne by reducing sebum production.

4- Good for Eyes
Matcha contains caffeine and tannins. These two ingredients help reduce dark circles and puffy eyes. As a result, you get a refreshed look, even if you didn’t have a rich night of sleep. Moreover, its vitamin-rich makeup imparts beneficial nutrients to your skin when applied topically. Further, Matcha contains vitamin K content that promotes better blood circulation.

5- Rejuvenates Skin
Matcha contains an important element called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG for short. It gives this green tea massive antibiotic and antibacterial properties that help acne-prone skin. Aside from its advantages on blemishes, EGCG promotes more supple and smoother as it supports skin structure and rejuvenates skin cells.
Moreover, Matcha contains a compound called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps in reducing photo-aging, which means fewer sunspots. Chlorophyll also prevents your skin by protecting it from chemicals and impurities in the environment that could clog pores.

Final Words
Matcha is derived from the same plant as green tea. However, since it is made from the whole leaf, it is packed in a concentrated number of antioxidants. Apart from having various health benefits, it is a complete solution for the skincare regimen. Matcha tea skincare products hydrate and rejuvenate and restore your skin.