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Perfect Overnight Skincare Routine You Need To Follow

14th Apr 2022

Perfect Overnight Skincare Routine You Need To Follow

Following a good skincare routine at night is one of the best thing you can do to save your skin’s youth, softness and glow. As your skin is ready to absorb what you apply better as compared to day time.
But, what is the right order to apply skincare products to achieve best results? We need to seek answer to this question because what is the point if a product does not gets a good time to penetrate into your skin? Well, this article will tell all you need to know about the perfect overnight skincare routine so, let dive deeper!
Remember to follow these overnight skincare regime in the order they are listed below. 

1. Makeup Remover
Sleeping with your makeup on your skin a more like a sin; its has adverse effects on your skin. Removing the makeup with a good make-up remover prevents your skin from several potential damage.
Most people use only cleansers that is not enough if you want to maintain a healthy skin. Applying a make-up remover helps keeping your skin clear, removing dirt and oil and protecting your skin’s natural moisture. Moreover, they are suitable for all skin types.

2. Cleanser
After removing the make-up from the outer layer of your skin, it is time to move on to cleansing your skin. There are two types of cleansers, oil-based and water based.

Oil-Based Cleansers
Oil-based cleansers are perfect to use if you have applied any base makeup product such as BB cream and other similar products. An oil-based cleanser does a great job at melting off all base makeup from your skin.
Terra Form Brand’s Saponified Oil Cleanser contains 100% natural blend of Argan, coconut and Hemp oils; provides super healthy results fast. It is made to help you removing all dirt and makeup without leaving any residue.
Applying an oil based cleanser on dry face, giving a little massage and washing it off with water gets you clean skin. After that, your skin is good to go with a water-based cleanser for deep cleansing.

Water-Based Cleansers
If you have not applied any base makeup products then you can move to applying only water based cleanser right away. But, if you have applied any base makeup product, do oil-based cleansing first then move towards water-based cleansing.
Water-based cleansers provide deep cleansing by removing the dirt and pollutions while penetrating deeply into your skin. Moreover, water-based cleansers play a vital role in rejuvenating the skin and also allow any other skincare product to penetrate effectively.

3. Toner
Toner is the perfect skincare product to restore the natural hydration level of your skin. They help remove dirt and dead cells left behind after cleansing. Toner cleans the skin, lowers the pH, and makes it smooth. Using a toner at night helps your skin to retain moisture as it contains humectants and antioxidants. It helps prevent excessive dryness of your skin that leads to the stimulation of oil glands; resulting in oily and acne-prone skin.

4. Serum
Serum is a product having special ingredients to treat various skin issues. Applying it after clearing up your skin from any kind of impurity is highly beneficial as it heals your skin.
There is a variety of serums containing different ingredients but, its good to know what type of ingredients suits your skin. Always look for safe and quality ingredients such as hyaluronic acid
They provide potent ingredients right into the skin. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant that fights dull completions. Try those having vitamin E, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid for dry skin. While for oily and acne-prone skin, find out those have retinol and salicylic acid. Apply only a tiny amount of serum on your face.

5. Acne Spot treatment
Use spot treatment for acne skin as anti-inflammatory products are beneficial for blemishes having a head. Before its application, make sure that your skin is clean and, after application, leave it to dry. If you don't have any spots, you can skip this step. Avoid popping pimples and whiteheads for better results and if there is no improvement in 4-6 weeks, then set an appointment with a dermatologist.

6. Eye cream
Eye creams having peptides and antioxidants lower the signs of fine lines and wrinkles. Some formulas having peptides and retinoids delay aging and boost collagen production. Apply a small amount of it and dab in. If you want to apply it in a day, then use ones having vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides.

7. Night cream
Night creams prevent aging, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and make skin tight. It's unnecessary to find the word "night" on the label; you must ensure that it does not have sunscreen. Ingredients must include coffee bean extract and vitamin E and C. Use a light one to penetrate deep into the skin as heavy consistency leaves an oily effect.

The final verdict
It is not compulsory to apply everything mentioned above but following the right order is the key to healthy skin. Moreover, always consult a dermatologist to know your skin type and products with which ingredients suit your skin.